My 2nd wedding lunch reception from Gerry's side was held at KDCA. Decorated by Ms Juliana Gondipon , food caterers from Ching Fah and band from D' Salapa. Theme color : Blue
with the magagagung team from Penampang Proper
wearing moludu this time...
Jeniffer Asing
Jeniffer, Janet & Joyce.....minus Janice
at the reception table
makan time
family members dulu masuk..
then kami...
at the main table..
watching the video highlights...
with Gerry's ex-colleagues
sumazau time
hancoorr Gerry kana jumpa kawan-kawan dia...
Atama pun tiba-tiba ada...
Us with Uloi..
makan 2nd round or maybe 3rd..
mesti ada pocho-pocho...
with Ms Juliana Gondipon the decorater & NaZeer
tidak puas di dewan.....sambung rumah lagi...
Gerry's brother in-laws...Daim, Tim & Albert
our only entertainment...nasib ada orang menyanyi...Daim complain saaaayaaa saja nyanyi...dia bilang mau hujan sudah...hehe