hugging her cousin...
more hugs...
dancing to a Barney song....dengan gaya-gaya tersendiri
sitting at Akung's leg support wheelchair
while waiting for Akung kana urut
riding the bike...
curious about the grasshopper
watching barney together..
playing at the stairs together..
playing toys together..
playing at the seats
eating biscuits
playing with hats..
main klip rambut...
Gerry is gonna be pissed if he sees this picture...hihihi
tinguk kura-kura....or he would say "uu-waa"
more hugs in the car...while the mummies pigi bili 4d ;)
juju gerigitan with gaga
gaya street!!
farewell kiss for Juju...till next time
joyce bila kamu konvo????????tahun ni ka????
next year kali, sia extend 1 semester boo hoo :(
sooooooooooo adorable!!!! :) missing my nephew la... he used to be lil C's twin
doiiiii...punya cute ni cousins ni...satu ensom satu pretty.
ketara bah kah si Gaga boy...sama besar dia sama si Juju
Thanks Celine. eh I saw u the other say at City Mall lah, but kamurang trus kluar. too bad.
Thanks chegu...besar dan BERAT bah.
They're both so cute and adorable! I envy people with toddlers. For photography fanatics like me, that means FREE MODELS. Kids are such great subjects!
hehe... punya cute these two!! nnt diorg besar, misti siok tingu ni gambar balik kan??? hehe
punya basar sudah si Gaga!!! :) kiutnyaaa
Bah kau ambil gambar anak sia lah Bai..!! for FREEEEE!! ;)
Ya bah kan Len...
Capat kan Titty..!! tidak sedar pun..
alalala thy are so cute and lovely together...i bumped into Joyce and Juju at Fish&Co when thy were having a gathering wt Joyce's gfs...punya cute si Juju...mau jua dia minta angkat sia hehehe....
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