Me : Nurse, kasih jahit trus jadi macam virgin balik ah.. Hubby : Kasih jahit bunga-bunga lagi...
That's how we felt after my 2nd delivery,
Happy (for hubby because he doesn't have to wait in the labor room for 12hrs like the 1st delivery) and RELIEVED (for me, no more perut katat/gatal and contractions)
19th February 2010, I took my morning bath and suddenly noticed there's a clump of yellowish with a little bit of blood discharge...the texture of the discharge was not slimy but more like jelly... and I said to myself...."
This is it Os"I MMSed to my sis Didi, but she didn't reply me...she was super busy at work. I wanted to show it to Hubby, and MIL pun curious mau tengok...Then MIL said "Itulah tu tanda-tanda dia..."
Noon, I went to pee and saw a bit spotting, but no contraction or sakit perut yet. When I saw Gaga took his noon nap, I took the opportunity and joined him...manatau terberanak juga tonight or tomorrow, I need the energy.
2.00PM, I felt a teeny tiny bit pain at the lower back.
3.00PM, I felt a very very mild contraction, I didn't timed it...maybe about 15mins apart. MIL ask to drive her to Donggongon, to buy some groceries and minum kupi...
3.30pm, While sitting at the coffee shop eating roti susu, I noticed the mild contraction become frequent like less than 10mins apart...SMS my sis Didi and Josie and Hubby about the mild contractions.
4.00pm, doing the final checklist for the Hospital bag.
4.57pm, posted "mild contraction" at FB ;)
6.00pm, Didi called saying that she showed the MMS to her friend Dr.Anna and afraid that the discharge was not a discharge but the membrane and asked me to go to the hospital immediately to do check-up.
Took my bath and washed my hair (very important).
6.15pm, I can feel the contractions are getting intense but still bearable, I just stop from anything I was doing and concentrate on breathing...
I wanted to skip dinner, because I knew like my first..I would throw up the dinner anyways, but MIL insist, because my SIL bought some sotong bakar tumbuk...takut saya kempunan.
6.45pm, and we're off to Hospital Likas. Informed my mom & dad.
7.22pm, reach Hospital Likas and informed Didi. Asked us to wait for Dr. Anna at Bilik Penilaian Kemasukan Pesakit.
7.45pm, the nurses took pity on me when I was enduring my contractions. They registered me and asked me take urine sample and check baby's heartbeat.
8.00pm, still no Dr.Anna. One of the doctor in-charge came...
Doctor : Macam banyak kali sudah ni contraction kau, bagus sia check berapa sudah dilation kau..
Me : Doctor, kalau sia beranak ni malam, sia mau minta epidural ah..
Doctor : OK, nah sister kau boleh buat untuk kau lah tu...
Me : Eh? family member mana boleh bikin kan?
Doctor : Oh ya........checking on my dilation
Doctor : 5cm...Whoah, 5cm already!!?? I thought baru 2-3cm, because I clearly remember on my first, I couldn't even bear the contraction pain when I was 4cm dilated.
8.15pm, Dr.Anna came
"...nah kan apa sia bilang" she said and called my sister,
"Uih...5cm sudah"......"siapa lagi..!!?? your sister lah""...and she wants epidural"passed her phone to me..
Didi : Tidak payahlah tu epidural Os, kau tahan saja...tidak lama lagitu 6cm trus tidak sudah payah epidural tu, skijap saja tu.Me : Uih ko gila...mesti sakit tu nanti kalau time beranak tu. Kasih lah Di...pleeeeaaseee!!!!Didi : Kami betul-betul sibuk ni di sini Os, kalau ko mau 10.30pm baru lah.Me : Hah!!!!! punya lama....please lah Di, sakit tu...
Didi : Bah nanti sia turun.Me : Thanks Di.8.50pm, different doctor came,
Me : Kamu yang bagi epidural? (with a wide smile face)Doctor : Oh mau check dulu dilation tengok sempat bagi kah tidak ya, sebab mau dekat satu jam since kena check dilation.Me : Kasih sempat lah doctor...Doctor : 6cm.....macam tidak sempat epidural ni. Nurse put her into the labor room NOW!!!In the labor room, the contractions was getting unbearable, I was practically pulling my hair to tahan sakit. Breathing technique was totally out...
Me : Nurse kamu tidak bagi ubat tahan sakit kah ni? jarum ka??Nurse : Tidak. Itu dari arahan doctor saja tu....What the H!!!!One of the nurse check on my dilation again....
"7cm...ooops" I felt my waterbag broke.
and they immediately called my husband to go into the labor room...
When the next contraction came, they asked me to push...I pushed and pushed...
Seperti biasa, the nurses and the midwife will motivate for me to push...but I felt so weird when the midwife said "Yes Suzie...push Suzie...GOOD!!!"
Suzie??? is she referring to me or my bobong?... "Bukan Suzie...Joyce!!" I think I corrected her a couple of times, bulih lagi tu nurse ketawa...
The labor room was so hot, I think they forgot to turn on the air conditioner earlier, I was sweating like crazy...but thanks to my dear hubby, berabis he lap-lap my peluh :) and also tolong sambut my muntah. Yes, as I predicted...I puked during my labor, but the good thing...right after I muntah, the midwife said I was fully dilated and I can push on full force.
...I pushed and I pushed like I want to berak..."Uih sakit oh..!!!", "Memang sakit" the nurse replied...finally the baby's head was out...then I gave one final BIG push....and she's out completely at
10.20pm. Actually it was 10.19pm to be exact, but kataulah kan kalau parents taik numbur.
Fuh...I never felt soooo relieved in my entire life!!!
I remembered on
my 1st delivery that I can't imagine gone through another labor...but for this 2nd time, all I can say cepat!! Is it maybe because its my 2nd? or kuat jalan/shopping sana bawa khemah? hehe...
I gotta say that I had the best midwife ever, even though she said my name wrong at the first place...but I can never do it that easy without her help and most importantly her motivations. Thanks Staff Nurse Winia.
and last but not least... for this 2nd delivery, I want to give myself a pat on my shoulder for doing it without any pain killers, tapi actually tidak sempat hehe...
My breastfeeding journey begin..
camwhoring...because he's too elated
I have red dots all over my urat-urat pecah, because salah push, I use my face to push...thank goodness this is not permanentOk, I am hesitating to post my labor video, but for this blog and you guys sake...sia kasih post saja lah... Thanks to my sister Didi for capturing this priceless moment, even though guna handphone saja..
Someone said "Happy Mother's Day" funny!!!