Kesian my Abrey he got this really really bad rash on his face. It started after his fullmoon, everybody said because of my susu. I put bedak amoi pun not working, I put baby oil lah, nappy rash cream lah for a week...but it got worse. Sampai his telinga pun ada...

kesian kan...!!
I tried ask Dena about it, manalah tau she or her husband tau kan. Might be eczema...
The doctor from poliklinik penampang said its seborrheic dermatitis(Cradle Cap) so she gave me Aqueous Cream. At the same time, MIL put ubat kampung. Getting better....but dunno which one yang made it baik, so I stopped using the cream, to see mana yang kasih baik. One week later...

Yay!!!! The ubat kampung really help a lot MIL took it from this tree called "pokok tuan". but I guess semua pun tau this ubat..
kasian o gaga..happy that his okay now...
hi joyce,
hope it's not too late to wish both parents congratulations on your new baby boy. so cuteee o baby gaga.
and good luck in parenting.
Yup "kazu tuan" orang bilang and used to treat 'sovohok' or in your case, 'sovohok nakahau' coz, sovohok usually came out from the mouth and not all over the head. It's actually a 'vonod' or water from the branch taken early morning b4 the sunrise and it's cooling. bukan simply2 kasi minum but ada its own way of consuming, but i belive ur MIL tau lah bah tu. Glad that ur baby is okay now!
Wah!! Just like my son dulu oh..teruk sekali the biji2 merah di muka..I think because of the susu gantung bah tu..because in my case..pasal susu gantung..
Nasib ok sudah Baby Gaga..Kiut sudah bersih2 muka.. :)
Kesian kan Jess...
Hi Izyanti, thanks... heard that ur a CD mama too...siok oh kan tu CD!!!!
Ya, banyak peraturan mau ikut tu if mau pakai the ubat kayu tuan.
nasib baik he hensem sudah balik..hihi
Kasian Gaga. Ndak sya terimagine like that teruk his muka when mama & gerry kestau sya over the phone. But, he looks hensom suda just in time to see juju and his aunt & uncle...yay! Can't wait...
kasian lah ur baby... but another way to kasi cepat baik time kasi mandi make sure teda shampoo tekena kulit yang ada rash... it work for both my kids... cannot find the kayu here...
take care joyce... your baby so cute!!
Farrah G
awwwww..kesian your baby :( But am glad that dia ok sudah :D and i believe its not too late to wish you: "congratulation on your new born baby" !!! :D He's cute!
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