What I learned from from MIL is to put the "bedak amoi" not only on baby's bum, but tempat lain pun boleh...

"bedak amoi"...very mujarab. Can get at any chinese medicine shop. Rm2 only...

Gaga with red spots on his face..

put some bedak amoi...(macam siok dia tidur sini..!!)

Tadaaaa...in couple of hours trus hilang!!
p/s: I wonder if jerawat on adults works...punya bagus tu kan!!! Especially on ur wedding day..
WAH!!!!!!! amazingnya! baru sia tau ada barang mujarab like that oh. Kalau bulih kasi hilang jerawat, sia pun mau la! heheeee
Nanti sia testing sama jerawat sia kalau hilang ka tidak...
wah.. so many barang mujarab u haf!!!! boleh buka kedai online ka? ;) hehehe.. GaGa is sooo chubby!!!
wahhhh suddenly I feel like buying that Bedak Amoi in bulk hahahaha....
osso..mujarab ka if put on jerawat...i macam want to try ohh..dari kedai cina ba that kan??punya lama ody this stuff..if u didn't post this kan mungkin never cross my mind oh tis...
Haahaha...i also dunno if jerawat berkesan oooo...!!! but bulih try bah..
i used the bedak amoi for my 2 kids too! hehe nasib ngam them oh. but SIL ada try for her boys dulu but not ngam pula.. It depends on the skin la tu kan.
mana beli ni?
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