and of course thanks to Deana for her creative work, the cake & cuppies is so cute & sadap malatup eventhough kana test sikit saja, but tu cuppies banyak lah sia makan hehehe...betul juga, 100pcs is not enough.

Garreth Abrey fullmoon cake made by Deana

kalo baby one month party sure baby tidur punya eh cute ohh tu cake..too cute to makan ohh..tu cupcakes pun lawa...better i do wedding cupcakes saja kan inda paya mau putung2 lagi..
Ya bah, trus kasih suap saja..
wah!! punya sadap the cupcakes!! Si koko Allen tu sepa?
hi joyce, ada terkurus sudah ko sikit..
sikit saja kurus..??!! hehe
Koko Allen is Gerry punya eldest sister Janet punya anak.
LOL...siok butul gaga tidur. Couldn't be bother with anything ;-). Rajin gia si Bulat tu tulung2 susun cups. Tapi macam terkurus suda si bulat oh...and yes, you lost some weight, too, Os.
Can't wait to see everyone soon!
Cute betul tu cup cakes! and baby gaga doesn't care about anything but sleep. :-) Macam you lost some weight. Could it be because of BF??
Might be the BF juga..;)
Joyce, ko kurus sudah!!!!!!!
joyce, kamu pun ada si bulat??ha ha ha i thought my niece ja kena panggil bulat..thanks for the promo
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