On my second day at the hospital, my nenen still got no "gatas" a.k.a susu. So every few hours the nurses would take Baby Abrey for feeding and I was curious how they would feed my baby. I think they were inside one of the pantry or room. Then one of the senior nurse saw me & asked me what was I doing there...then she ajar me how to kasih kluar susu from nenen (I think she's the 5th nurse who picit my nipple already, memang no susu). When she picit, punyalah sakit, so I was like "ouch..!!" then she said "Tidak bulih tu berfikiran negatif, kalau sakit mesti tahan..mesti mau berfikiran positif".
Then they start spoon-feeding baby Abrey, my heart sank when I saw him struggling for the little spoon. The senior nurse asked me to return to my room, by this time tears started to build-up. As I enter my room, i burst out crying. Gerry looked puzzled. "Kenapa kau ni?".... "Kesian bah tu baby..."
I didnt know the senior nurse followed me from behind, I think she panicked when she saw me crying...less than 2minutes later 2 nurses came from the "Unit Sokongan Penyusuan Susu Ibu" wah...punya pantas dorang datang. Then Gerry said " Nah datang sudah tu nurse yang kita pigi seminar haritu.." Its the same nurses who conduct the seminar about breastfeeding when we attend the "Father friendly" at the Hospital. So she asked me very nicely "Bagitau saya apa yang kamu mau...supaya kami boleh tolong"...then I said "Saya tiada susu..." so she teached me how to stimulate my breast & the right way to picit my nipple...tidak sakit pun. Maka all the other nurses yang buat punya sakit...!!
3rd day still no gatas. MIL been feeding me buah papaya muda mixed in soup ayam kampung. Gerry & MIL take turns spoon feeding Baby Abrey. I also let him hisap my nenen eventhough no gatas...nipple getting sore & got blister.
4th day, nite time. I was so happy when I saw ONE spot of milk coming out from my nipple. So sya kasih kana sana bibir Baby Abrey...kasih tapun dia hehe. Nipple very the sakit.
5th day, few spots of milk...manage to kumpul 5ml. Sikit, but damn happy.
6th day, my nipple luka already, but still kena suruh juga kasih "tangau" my nenen... I can kumpul up to 10ml. mau parah sampai 1jam jugalah.
7th day, can parah 1oz but took me 1-2hours.
8th day, i'm getting really stressed...this was the time when it hit me again. I was spoon feeding Abrey, ( still spoon feeding, coz nipple luka&sakit) but he tidak habis my pumped milk. When I put him to bed, get back to the milk, kena masuk insect. Kimet!!! Throw the 1 oz milk away. Then start pumping again...2oz for 1 and a half hour, Abrey crying..put the pumped milk beside the bed, then I dunno what happenned...milk tumpah "Arrgg!!!!!" Then nangis lagi... nasib at 1am, US time masih daytime. So chat with Uloi & I let it out to her...made an online purchase, then I felt better then start pumping again untill 3am.
Next morning, I SMSed Josie, "nanti kau singgah sia tu benda mujarab for nenen. I cannot tahan already, baby makin kuat minum, my nipple luka berabis.."Apparently Josie told me this benda mujarab really works for Jessica my sister punya sister-in-law. She said trus kluar macam susu lembu.
I introduce you Jamu Selapan is very mujarab. Before I can only pump 1-2oz for an hour plus. After "topis" this on my nenen for good 45mins...3oz in 45mins. woweee!!! If you're lucky ber"driping-driping" lagi.

sample packet from Jessica, just enough to get my susu going...
Now i can kumpul till 4oz easily...but of course must think "happy thoughts"

my happy thoughts is of course...browsing/online shopping for cloth diaper...hehe!!
p/s : Jamu Selapan can get at any kedai yang jual Mustika Ratu, sana Karamunsing ada. Thanks so much Josie & Jessica..!!!
wahahahaaa!!! OS..punya lawak ko nie..masa me 1st baby pun macam tu juga..no susu..ko bagus lagi nurse yang picit nenen..me.?? Male Dr yang masih muda and HOT..ahaha selamba jak dia p picit lepas tu cakap..oh..belum lagi..maybe another 1 day..kurang asam..!
Bah kasi minum baby ko banyak2 susu ah..cepat saja dia besar tu nanti ;)
wah joyce!!! good tips! I must remember ayu salapan for the 3rd baby.. hehe (next year lah..LOL)
So stressful kan joyce!! my first baby pun cam tu juga... pasal dia tia pandai latch sia main pump juga bah 3 weeks pumping baru pandai nenen... misti mau positive thinking... you can do it!!!
I only nurse 8 months with my first baby and my second baby masih lagi sia nurse.... dakat sudah satu tahun...
you worry nenen sakit baby masih kicil ... HEHEH nanti lah keluar gigi lagi worry...LOL
take care joyce and keep up the good work (kasi nenen baby GAGA)
Farrah G
ala if only we knew about this ayu salapan, my sister si Anne can't breast feed both of her babies..aiso susu..sian da tu baby.. ba u jadi role model la kasi tips..coz u rajin make new experiements kan...so now u now how many litre your milk heheheh
joyce, i think your determination helped the most. good on u! keep it up! u will enjoy breastfeeding so much. awal2 ni mungkin nda berapa. but u will start to enjoy it most nanti around baby masuk 3 bulan - when u have mastered the art of breastfeeding, and baby becomes better at latching.
Hi titty...Ya sya berusaha lah ni mo kasih nenen baby..chayou!!
bah osindak...balang mujarab ni. Good luck on getting ur 3rd pregnancy.
Hi Farrah G, itulah juga yang sya takut ada gigi tu..!!! anchooor lah nenen.
Hi moon, alaaa kesian ur sister. but if her babies fine healthy..ok bah tu.
Hi farrahar, im getting there. belum lagi pandai BF duduk style. baru limpang saja ni..
I'm so proud of you. I've been there, done that. It's not easy but it's worth it. Thanks for the tip of 'Ayu Salapan'. Next time, kalau sia ada problem BF, I know where to get it ;-)Good luck in BF while you're sitting. It does take a skill. I'm sure you'll enjoy BF. Anak sia tidak pernah sakit in 1 year. That's the benefit of mummy's milk. Keep up the good
work :-)
wah...siok sudah lah ko osse...ko ada cuba agn 2 salapan kah? i try 2 put 2nd time..i manage to pump 8-9 oz wthin an hrs o...
enjoy bf... : )
Thanks Lel...
thanks for the jamu Jess... punya siok kalu dapat 8-9oz...sia paling-paling pun sampai 4-5oz saja.
ok for baby no.2 i definitely will use the benda mujarab! make sure u stock byk byk k. hahaha. hope all is going well in the breastfeeding world and that ur nenen is overflowing wit milk....
hey, can put more pix of ur little one ka? wanna see who he looks like....they go back n forth tu...
Hi Pu, bah dont forget ah...product Mustika Ratu that...Nanti I post latest picture of baby Abrey..
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