sup ayam kampung...which I survive eating it all through my confinement month
and my hair...OMG my hair was so smelly & the dandruff!! jangan cakap lah...Even Gerry marah tidur di bantal dia...I had to wear a bandana. But hair confinement's over on the 3rd week coz I found "LALAT", yes lalat on my hair...and told MIL, dia pun kasian mangkali...but she said, "Mesti cuci guna air panas...bukan suam ah...PANAS!!!" gilaaaa....!!!

the lalat thought my hair wangi...
cannot skip breakfast...nanti masuk angin.
cannot cuci hair morning/nite....jadi bila mau cuci?
ribu tu "tidak bulih" ....
talk about ribu....ribu juga tu ubat-ubatan/herbs mo kana suruh makan...

I dunno what they call this ubat cina for after beranak punya, but im glad dia biji-biji, not yang mau minum punya...

chinese tea for buang angin...plus the rest of my vitamins...

and this chinese herbs mandian also to buang angin....& mesti mandi panas...not suam. patut juga lunok sia kana kurang...
P/s Good news is, I lost a few kg...but after a few days habis the confinement....macam tidak sudah slim ni...kuang, kuang,kuang...
LOL, sya ingat juga tu kena suruh mandi air panas! Sya bilang, gilak kah mandi sama air panas, abis la melecur satu badan. Sya mandi air suam ja hihihi.
Sure its great to get over with your confinement, terus kluar breakfast ar *wink* *wink*...
hahaha...same o we all. I had to have the ayam kampung wit tapai and the ubat cina biji biji oso...hahaha and mandi the herbs, so panas man the air. but my mom let me cuci my hair twice during confinement, must be hottest time of the day lagi tu....but kan i enjoy oh my tapai chicken, she bought frm different places so the rasa different. i still can eat until today.
Happy 1 mth to baby Abrey!!!
Ahaha Os..matai oh if my confinement like urs..masa my mom jaga sia, satu minggu sudah sia cuci rambut..pakai air yang panas juga lah..then kasi kering and taruh tu minyak air putih..nda juga masuk angin..Pasal constipation, nasib baik dr. ada bagi sia tu ubat kasi licak2 taik..haha jadi senang jak mau p toilet! Anyway!! YEAH!!! berbahagia lah habis sudah 1 bulan minum sup ayam!!
joyce, i drank elken lactose on my 4th day post labor. tidak tahan oh! macam mo mati ohh birak!!! lepas minum tu trus senang zzzrrrrttttttt ja keluar nda payah suda mo nangis2 hihiihhhii
Joyce, sia pun begitu juga during post labour. Susah mau berak. Question, during confinement, bulih kah makan fruits? as it can help to berak??? Congratulation that you're finish with the confinement and happy full moon for your little prince. Someone told me that using the indonesian medicine herbs and using those thing to wrap around your belly, does get rid off the post labour tummy(sorry I don't know what it's called in malay but hope you understand what I mean)
Aren't you glad it is over!!! Finally you can eat some decent food..well not that the confinement food is not tasty but having to take it day in day out for 1 whole month can be pretty tough if you ask me hehehe...tapi yg rambut kau berlalat ba kan...ohhh man...kesian oh hahaha...
hahaha!! Ur MIL chinese ka? I am still in my confinement, & I demanded mau makan sayur.. teruk la.. like u said, macam mo branak kalau berak. So, she cooks brocoli & carrot everyday. Sigh! I dunno why, tapi masa confinement pula yang I am craving for other food.. silakak!
Kasian the lalat, sesat 10hari maybe in ur hair!...
Anyways, you have 'grad' from confinement!
Joyce.. yang lalat tu mmg bikin ketawa la... punya kelakar gila!! hahahahahaha... mengkali heaven betul tu lalat duduk di kepala kau..hahah..oh btw, masa ko baru deliver tu sia ada di kk bah tu, adik ku bertunang, tapi nda sempat mo dtg visit sbb pack betul time di sana. Tiapa la.. nanti lain kali ada can kami pigi lawat ko sama si Gaga ahh..
Why no one told me about the ubat bikin kasih berak..!!??? punya sengsara sia...Ada juga saya kana makan apple/pear, but still karas juga taik.
Yes, my MIL is chinese...banyak pantang-larang dia...& tu herbs2 mau minum...nasib bulih tahan. but im glad bukan my mom...lagi strict!!
budu bah tu lalat..!!
Congratulations!!! Takut lah sia dingar your confinement time... Since both time sia beranak MIL sia help us.... so not pantang larang.... sia tia ingat pun pasal cuci tia bulih rambut until i call my mom but too late cause sia cuci next day after beranak. btw minum banyak banyak tu sup ayam kampung and tapai/lihing also help the gatas.... since i could not get any of those stuff here sia campur white wine rice.... tu yeast help to make more milk... bah good luck with your CD and BF... I am almost done BF...(my baby will be one soon) Take care joyce... I will visit you nanti sia mau balik KK
Farrah G
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