Abrey 6days old in Kissaluvs fitted size 0
Tapi...in less than an hour, ngam-ngam 3x dia berak...so 3x lah sya tukar tu diaper. My Cds bukan lah banyak sangat mau tukar banyak kali. So tunggu lagilah, untill he tidak begitu banyak berak. For now, still kasih guna him lampin & cover diaper.

Abrey 7days old in Thirsties cover diaper x-small...if u notice, prefold kana jadi tempat lapik...
Good news is, MIL also loves the cover diaper & ask me to buy more of it. Yipee!!!
OS..ko mau beli lagi CD??? ahahaha punya banyak sudah tu...
"My Cds bukan lah banyak sangat mau tukar banyak kali"
Cehhh sudah la kau joyce ahahahahha!!
(blog hoping from Sandra's)
Siok kan CDingggg! Hopefully can c u next CD gathering di rumah Sandra.
"So tunggu lagilah, untill he tidak begitu banyak berak. For now, still kasih guna him lampin & cover diaper."
Ko tau kah kalau BF baby kalau bukan kuat berak... berak once a week... First 2 weeks Dana berak 10+++ a day... then berak once a week... hhahahahah
Take care Joyce enjoy your CD
dont you worry dear..you'll have your flow in no time...hurts but worth it!! i'm still leaking after a year bfeeding..LOL
Of corse sya mau beli lagi...inda cukup tu..!!! memang tidak banyak CD saya...ada orang berlaci-laci CD dorang...
Hi hip-o-mama, I missed the recent gathering, ngam-ngam sya baru branak gia tu.
Hi, anon..ok kah tu berak once a week? saya tidak berak 3hari pun sudah cannot tahan.
Thanks btam..!!
sama ja our thirsty cover punya colour nie..hehe
hahaha...apa la use your MIL as an excuse to do CDs shopping again!! hahaha ..But then again, i guess it is worth investing esp if you intend to go fulltime on CDs and wats more if you intend to hv more kids which u can re-use the same CDs!! :)
Wah very nostalgic oooo the bedak amoi... that one has been around for ages!
Eh sama ka Denna...bah itu saja color sia rasa cantik...hihi
Memang one of the excuse, but memang juga MIL suruh beli lagi...betul ni!!! Seriously!!!! haha.
Hi Bai, I didnt know about bedak amoi..untill my SIL bilang this bedak very mujarab.
"Hi, anon..ok kah tu berak once a week? saya tidak berak 3hari pun sudah cannot tahan."
My pedi say OK ... normal bah
Farrah G
ya joyce, kalau formulafed babies, i dunno. but kalau exclusively breastfed babies, that's ok. si adam pernah 10 days tidak berak. tapi sekali berak, POOFFF melatup bah!! mau pengsan aku!! trus kena kasi mandi.
Hahaha!!! Talking about kids' poo-poo! OMG!!! I also remembered I kena stimulate lil C (who was exclusively breastfeed then); dia punya lubang, supaya berak.. That was challenging too, putting a rectum termometer + KY Jelly and cucuk.. The paed showed me, macam sinang ja! When I did it, macam tia pandai masuk.. telampau panik.. Good to know that bf babies have similar experience....
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