First bar was Bluenote. I notice that the crowd was ok already compare to last year.. the band...hmmm...tidak boring la. That's all i can say..
After a few brandy cokes, then off to KK's. Belum pun we sampai at the door...i dont wanna go in already. The music they we're playing was boring.
So, skip KK's next to The Beach, i wanted to check out how's the band. They said best kunun. Tapi biasa saja pun...and I noticed, teda sudah tu Big Aquarium...
Then I found out there's a feng tau pub "Lan Kwai Fung" next to the Beach.I'm sure Jenny would love this pub. I wanted to go in, but I malulah la...coz all chinese. Although Gerry looks like chinese, but still nanti the waiter/waitress will come over and asked "yau som mo sui..??" then maybe i would order.."2 plenty cock" with chinese slang, hehehe...
Livewire at Bluenote.
"2 plenty cock"
I just hate, when guys leave u on the table and go watch the football. What's the point bringing me out...bagus saja stay di rumah..!!! This is Gerry by the way...dia pun pi tinguk tu football...!!!
Class Act, The Beach
syioks oh oss...wish i was there.josie looks very happy & your att also is already jadi grand-atts hehehe.nice oh all d gambar gambaran..k..gotta go get ready.. i kana roster go kl
ala sala pula my comment...supposed to be for baby lucas punya post bah dat...btw i visited the other beautiful life blog..hmmm not at all what i expected..
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